The Mufta Karachite

  There is something about Karachi that breeds the ‘Juma jai, mufta na jai’ virus in people. It cannot be explained but those who fall prey to the disease literally become penny wise – pound foolish when it comes to a ‘mufta’meal. For all of you, who don’t know what ‘mufta’ is, here is an … More The Mufta Karachite


Pompei is one of my absolutely favourite restaurants. God, it might hurt the pocket but that’s why I reserve it for important occasions. It sort of makes it more worthwhile. plus a reason to really dress up. not like the regular 20 year olds at espresso, flaunting their i-have-a-rich-father-so-i-will-act-i-am-worthy-of-a-coach bag. Alright, back to the topic. … More Pompei

Why Karachi?

I am so tired of hearing people becoming ‘jazbaati’ when someone belittles Karachi. For pete’s sake, it is just a city. So why am i writing all of this? Why have i dedicated a blog to this very unapproachable topic? Because I am not really from Karachi and thus not a ‘karachi-ite’ and believe i … More Why Karachi?